
Duplicate Files Fixer - 在Windows 上免費下載並安裝

評分 2.8 (6) · 免費 · Windows *Duplicate Files Fixer offers to clean 15 duplicates files for free. Once you expire your free limit, then you will require to subscribe full version of ...

Wise Duplicate Finder

評分 3.8 (10) · 免費 · Windows Wise Duplicate Finder is a free duplicate file remover designed to effectively manage and optimize your digital storage.


dupeGuru is a tool to find duplicate files on your computer. It can scan either filenames or contents. The filename scan features a fuzzy matching algorithm.


AllDup helps you to find, view and remove files that have duplicate content, regardless of name! Find and delete hard links; Find and delete duplicate files!

Duplicate File Finder for Windows

評分 4.6 (8,864) · With Duplicate File Finder Free, you can scan your drives for duplicates with default settings, review detected duplicate groups, manually ...

[正版購買] Fast Duplicate File Finder Professional

重複檔案搜尋及刪除工具- Fast Duplicate File Finder Professional,可以搜尋電腦或資料夾中重複的檔案,自動選取較新(older dates)或較舊(newer ...

Duplicate Cleaner

Duplicate Cleaner is a tool for finding and removing duplicate files from your computer or network drives. It is intended to be used on user content - documents ...

Easy Duplicate Finder™

Download Easy Duplicate Finder™ for free and start organizing duplicates today. Delete duplicate files from your PC or Mac without any hassle.

Fast Duplicate File Finder

評分 4.9 (1,639,718) · 免費 · Windows Free Duplicate Finder can remove duplicate files in a folder, drive, computer or entire network. The application will compare the content of the files.

I'm looking for a good duplicate file finder : rsoftware

Hi ! I tried numerous duplicate file finder (especially for pictures) but i can't find one which is good enough. Some are not reliable.


評分2.8(6)·免費·Windows*DuplicateFilesFixerofferstoclean15duplicatesfilesforfree.Onceyouexpireyourfreelimit,thenyouwillrequiretosubscribefullversionof ...,評分3.8(10)·免費·WindowsWiseDuplicateFinderisafreeduplicatefileremoverdesignedtoeffectivelymanageandoptimizeyourdigitalstorage.,dupeGuruisatooltofindduplicatefilesonyourcomputer.Itcanscaneitherfilenamesorcontents.Thefilenamescanfeaturesafuzz...